Friday, October 30, 2015

This is my Bullying awareness poster for module 3. I went with verbal bullying and its effects. I thought about how most people (I mean people who sometimes don't even know that there are bullies) will not go as far as hitting but will be quick at saying hurtful words. I want my poster to make them think, what if it was them, their families members, or best friends that were being bullied?

This are the images that are used.



Sunday, October 25, 2015

Module 3 Sketches
I am doing a poster about Bullying. Bullying affects all ages; it happens at schools, workplace, on the internet and so on. I know there are so many awareness posters about it, which makes it hard to figure out how I want to do mine. I think I am going to focus more on the effects of bullying, which range from depression to suicide, and also going to try to give a sense of guilt to the bully. Here are my sketches. Thank you.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

I have been working on my idea of greed  on "Africa". These are the pictures I am using.

And this is my photomontage. I hope this picture speaks for itself.

Trying to better my montage. I change the fake tree to an actual tree. This is the image is used.
And this is the update version.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

New ideas keep popping up. I got some new pics I want to add.

This is another montage I did today. Still don't know yet if it is going to be my final for this module.
What you guys think about it?


Monday, October 12, 2015

I am trying to do my photomontage for Module 2. These are the pictures that are using for my "GREED" concept.

Now I have done some montages, please let know if I am on the right track or not.
These are some of the montage I did. I don't know yet which one I am going to choose as my final work for this montage.


Friday, October 2, 2015

Photomontage Part 1 - Sketches

The name of my project is GREED. I thought about 2 concepts to make my project.

1st Concept: I choose to show the continent of Africa. How is greed affecting this continent. I thought about it because of the recent killing of Cecil the Lion. I am originally from Africa and I know what my continent has been through in order to get "Independence" from Europeans. But is Africa really independent now, Is Africa really FREE?

these are the images that I thought I could use for this project. Maybe incorporating the of the crying woman inside the west side of the Africa where her cry can directly go into the ocean ( a real ocean or a bloody one to show the many war like the Sudan one or the Congo one that are making millions die), with the lion face at the middle, the handcuff as belt to the whole continent, the sunshine being taken away on top with the word "FREE?". Or maybe I might do it differently,

2nd Concept: I drew  6 other pictures that I think are interrelated to Human Greed.

I am still thinking about how I am going mix them together, but the message is how far are human going to go (destroying trees, animals and each other just for the love of money), how blind sided is money making human kind.